About The Live With Grace Initiative

For Personal Service, Contact Cindy Bratton, CEO via our Contact Us button in the upper left

Mission: Teach You to Live With Grace by Raising Your State of Grace.

Live With Grace, LLC is a Colorado corporation dedicated to helping people across the globe not just accept the pain of loss, but learn to build a bridge of Grace across their flowing river of tears.

And more…

In June of 2023, we were planning a road tour across America presenting a “National Day of Grace” to help heal this fractured nation. So much pain and we are losing hope by the minute.

As you will remember, when Pandora’s box was opened and the world was filled with evil, all that remained in that little box was hope. In a very real sense, HOPE & GRACE are not just intertwined but are the antidote to a world in crisis.

A personal note: Unfortunately, I was almost killed in an accident on July 21, 2023, that immediately took this project offline. We were expecting to launch from Grace Church here in Desert Hot Springs in August 2023 but I was in the ICU with a severe TBI (Brain Bleed) from the accident, halting all development of this, and several other projects I was involved in. I am happy to report that, as of February 2023, most of the issues from the accident are resolved. The team has its leader back part-time (me), and once I get caught up with the TQ/Ai™ launch, and LYRICS: The Soul of Music Pilot Script, we can once again begin the planning for the Day of Grace Leadership Conference here in Desert Hot Springs, CA. Unfortunately, this accident caused a fatal setback on a project near funding, EV2RV.com… an incredible opportunity to provide IMMEDIATE charging options to the growing EV market. It is doubtful that the work completed will bear fruit — a huge deal requiring total dedication, energy, and commitment. As a CEO it is important to know your limits and the reality is the accident proved too much for me to handle. ~ Eric Richard Haas, Founder

The Grace Initiative: 2024…

We currently have several products available on site, notably Grieve With Grace: Beyond Acceptance, and Invest With Grace: Beyond Money ~ Legendary Wealth.

Both of these exciting new programs are designed to inform, educate, and most importantly, increase your State of Grace.

Both have a central theme: we are ALWAYS at the crossroads of Regret/Remorse and Grace. Make the right choices and move in the right direction, and you increase your State of Grace. You become the change the world needs you to be, and you move in the direction of your destiny—becoming the man or woman you are naturally created to be… to become all you are meant to be. Through GRACE: Gratitude… Resilience… Authenticity… Creativity… Empathy.

This is especially important when facing a significant loss—the death of your spouse, parents, business, or even your own life due to sickness and pain.

Grieve With Grace is a love story 30 years in the making, written to help extinguish the pain from the loss of Janice Mary Haas to brain cancer. It was written not only as a love story but as a strategy for coping with a loss of every nature.

There are many approaches folks take to confront their grief: sharing, understanding, praying, hoping, and extensive counseling. Our approach is decidedly different, it is ACTION based and STRATEGIC in nature. If you are stranded, stuck, or just consumed with grief, we fill the gap. We understand your loss but commiseration is not our goal: Building a bridge of GRACE over the valley of dread you are facing is our objective. We want to see you heal, not just better understand your situation. Follow GRACE and you will have a compassionate tool you can use for the rest of your life.

The inescapable truth is that our entire lives are constantly challenged with terrible losses.

Maybe the loss of a friend, family member, or coworker. Or maybe, you find yourself in what experts call “pre-grief” where you or someone close to you is losing the battle to cancer, heart disease, Parkinson’s, dementia, or other progressively fatal maladies. You MUST equip yourself for the eventuality of death and loss by increasing your State of Grace. To become more Grateful… more Resilient… more Authentic… more Creative… and more Empathetic… every single day.

If you want to know more, pull down the menus about Cindy, Eric, or our products.

Invest With Grace is written in the same vein, but focuses on how to use your Time, Talent, and Treasure to create a life worth living… to leave an important legacy… to create what we call Legendary Wealth, again, by raising your State of Grace.

There is so much more beyond a life of just trading your hours for dollars!

Invest With Grace guides you along a path of understanding that has inspired and informed the greatest “change agents” in history to create a legacy that affects you and me today.

The big concept is simply this: when you raise your State of Grace you will heal faster from life’s inevitable losses and ultimately Live With Grace.

You will find emotional and financial freedom. You will see the connection between Divine Grace, and your own life.

Our Vision…

The world is a dangerous place. For many, they have already given up even the hope for HOPE.

If you have a story to tell, please add your voice to the important research we are doing right now!

Simply click on our library shelf of future offerings and start the conversation. We cannot promise to include your stories, but you will feel better just disgorging your ideas from your brain and journaling your experience.

We expect to publish an entire series, much like the Chicken Soup franchise, on Divorce, Strokes, Abuse, Addiction, Alzheimer’s, Betrayal, Cancer, Dementia, Failure, Gun Violence, Love, Murder, Fear, Parkenson’s, Success, Suicide, Chronic Pain, and War… to name just a few.

We all have a story to tell. We all face losses that flood our rivers of tears. Together, we can help others not only just get through their pain, but rise above it by teaching them how to increase their State of Grace.

God Bless,
Eric Richard Haas, Founder