Hope to Hope

Hope to Hope

“Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for.” ~ Epicurus “When you lose hope, find a new hope…” I wrote that on a sticky note about a year ago....
A Word of Grace From Cindy

A Word of Grace From Cindy

“Mom was so funny and loving to us kids. She was our first audience. When my dad died, I was suddenly alone in the house with her because my two older brothers were away at college. I was the man of the house, and she was the grieving woman.” ~ Billy...
Training Myself to Feel

Training Myself to Feel

“I’m throwing myself back in because I like being married. I don’t want to end this whole fabulous journey alone. I want someone by my side who I love and who loves me. I’ve finally found somebody who’s up to the task of being my wife,...