Grace Counselor Leadership Resource-24

A Moment of Grace
Creativity Day 2

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Mission: Building my bridge of Grace over my river of tears. Today, let’s focus on your fourth Archstone… 

Click the Stone to go to Creativity Resources.

1—Take a breath, calm your thoughts, then THINK about this quote…

“Creativity is just connecting things. When you ask creative people how they did something, they feel a little guilty because they didn’t really do it, they just saw something. It seemed obvious to them after a while. That’s because they were able to connect experiences they’ve had and synthesize new things.” ~ Steve Jobs

  Or this scripture passage…

“Do you see any truly competent workers?  They will serve kings rather than working for ordinary people.” Proverbs 22:28 (NLT)  

2—Now, add to your Values List*…

Choose the best word that comes closest to what you value most. Write it on your list…

Bravery • Community • Curiosity • Frugality • Gentleness

3—Write this in your own hand—large & bold. Fold neatly/wad into a ball. Touch/squeeze it every time you get anxious. Tonight, file away for later.

My Love…
Of life is growing stronger every day

AWARENESS: I know you are creative. How does your #2 personal value affect your curiosity?

God Bless,
Eric Richard Haas, Author


The Healing Power of Creativity:
The power to love and be loved again.


We build our bridge of Grace a stone at a time:
Gratitude, Resilience, Authenticity, Creativity, Empathy