Grace Counselor Leadership Resource-9

A Moment of Grace
Resilience Day 1

Chimp 9th eMail

Happily walking above the chasm of grief, despair, and depression is our mission. Today, let’s focus on… 

Click the Stone to go to Resilience Resources.

1—Take a breath, calm your thoughts, then THINK about this quote…

“Resilience is accepting your new reality, even if it’s less good than the one you had before. You can fight it, you can do nothing but scream about what you’ve lost, or you can accept that and try to put together something that’s good.” ~ Elizabeth Edwards

  Or this scripture passage…

“The Lord helps the fallen and lifts those bent beneath their loads.” ~ Psalm 145:14 (NLT)

2—Now, add to your Values List*…

Choose the best word that comes closest to what you value most. Write it on your list…

Calm • Accomplishment • Tenderness • Security • Valor

3—Write this in your own hand—large & bold. Fold neatly/wad into a ball. Touch/squeeze it every time you get anxious. Tonight, file away for later.

Today My Strength…
Stems from being grateful for my challenges and facing my tears with grace. Today I will grow through turmoil, not just accept it as my new normal.

AWARENESS: You will get knocked off your feet. Just get back up. Give thanks. Smile. Resilience is natural when you creatively find a way to bounce back from your pain and turn your scars into scars. Challenges make you stronger. Be thankful for them. They are there to excite you to action. 

God Bless,
Eric Richard Haas, Author


The Healing Power of Gratitude:
The power to love and be loved again.

We build our bridge of Grace a stone at a time:
Gratitude, Resilience, Authenticity, Creativity, Empathy